welcome back people, I have yet again been faced with the crapola problems of a computer so I'm forced to use a cruddy neanderthole *is that how you spell it?* of a computer but non-the-less I can get my blog posts out.
My main computer is really frustrating me but hey lets just try get past it and get a good post out here aye. So anyways last you saw me I was heading off to a typical teenage kiwi weekend of drinking and sleeping where we fall. Well I went to George's and had a relatively good night. Drunk some brews, watched inglorious basterds *side note, is it just more or is brad pitt just the man in every movie there is.* O fave part when he's trying to talk Italian to the Jew Hunter, lol epic win.
So yes we got to see Brad Pitt putting on a poor Italian accent, carving symbols into nazi's heads and de-scalping the then dead nazi's. Over all an alright movie aye. I thought they made the death of people like hitler a bit insignificant though. Anyways back to the actual party. So yea I didn't actually make it to sleep that night till 6 am and had to wake up at 9am soooo I was really sleep deprived after a hard night. It was all made better by mass amounts of instant noodles upon waking. I swear the teenage population lives off only indomie mi-goreng noodles, and why not they have to be one of the best creations to ever be made. Easy to make and taste freaking excellent.
So that was good and my brother ben came back from Thailand after his honey moon so thats always a good addition to the weekend. Welcome back Ben, have fun getting back to work with your brand new wife.
If anyone can remember when I went baking with my mates awhile back I finally got the link to all the uploaded photos so here it is! this isn't bake like dope bake, it's like bake, coconut slice and chocolate cake bake :P
Bakefest 2010!
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Anyways that's my post for now have a good week!
*side side note, If anyone remembers from one of the earlier posts I talked about the underwater hockey video we had to make for nationals. Well If you haven't seen it. Feast your eyes on this.*
Paris Hilton's Crack
14 years ago
My gosh, Im shocked watch the whole last video. What does those guys really up to.
haha it's just a team promotional, we're just taking the piss out of the whole concept of the competition we went to.
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