Friday, July 15, 2011

Nuclear Wake Up!

Nuclear Wake Up!

Well here we are on another NZ Saturday actually coming through with my minimal post-a-week to keep this blog alive. I've just woken up and with the events that just happened to me it seems appropriate that I write something about it because people. I just survived a nuclear attack.

I was sleeping cozily in my blanket and sheets just chilling out on a Saturday morning. I was warm, nothing could disturb the heavenly sleep I was in. I was wrong. To this day I believe that NZ is a pretty nuclear free country. We don't have nuclear power, we don't even let nuclear ships enter our waters I believe all in the pursuit to keep our green image. But what's that to stop someone dropping nukes all over the major cities of New Zealand in hate for us as we're the panzy asses who consider ourselves "green."

Well somehow my mind figmented this all in a fraction of a second. BOOM! A crashing sound knocks me out of my sleep. The curtains fly open and an orange light peels into my room. Whats just happened? I jump out of my bed, wobble upstairs (I just woke up remember) and see dad sitting there to say
"what's up"
"what the f**k was that"
"what was what?" Upon looking out our window onto the street a noob trying to load a container onto his truck had dropped, the curtains had coincidently flew open and the sun happened to be right in the sky where my mind had placed the nuclear mushroom cloud to be. So feeling like an idiot I came downstairs to do my Saturday post.

Well I'm glad it wasn't a real nuke dropped on green ole NZ and that I'm still alive but hey I got a post from it :D

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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Obsessed With Beyonce Knowles

Obsessed With Beyonce Knowles

So here I am again an amazing one day after I said I was going to post more, so who's surprised? I know I am! Onto the post!

So I saw a movie last night called Obsessed, it was about a guy who had a girl serially in love with him and upon avoiding to tell his wife about this (Beyonce) things start to go wrong as she stalks him, drugs him and proceedes to violate him. I choose to blog about this movie today as it really was special... And by special I mean things happened in it that were just hilarious.

First up that made me laugh was when Derreck (Beyonces husband) was sitting at his computer when he decides to send his stalker an email saying (LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!) the email was instantly replied to with a big cartoon face... That then after some time winked at him! The look on Derrecks face from there was a mix of "I've just seen a picture of a decaptitaed bunny" and "MY LIFE IS OVER." It was just surprising that instead of telling someone he just told her to get lost and look astonished at stupid emails.

The second that was more my cup of tea was the woman fight at the end. The crazy stalker lady (who don't get me wrong is amazingly hot and has a macn body to top it off) has just shown up inside Beyonce's half naked and Beyonce finds her so they start fighting it out, Beyonce hookn white stalker bitch and the white bitch kickn Beyonce with her long white legs (this could easily turn into another sorta movie with a bit of adjustment) the scene was just great with all the fighting and lingerie.

So overall the movie was kinda average but there were a couple of scenes that made it pleasant to watch :)

Catchya round peeps

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Friday, July 8, 2011

Ball Night Debauchery

Ball Night Debauchery

Twas the night of the ball and all through the room
everyone was dressed handsomely,
standards of brides and grooms.
How the ball was fun everyone sat and waited
for the after ball after party,
we could not be more elated.

The ball ended as the clock struck 12
we all left the room and into the night
the teens started to delve.
stockn the pockets with beer, liqueur and wine
undressed from our suits
yet we still looked so fine

and to the venue we drove up to
hopped out of the car
and the drinks we consumed!
we drank and we drunk and we broke all things fragile
until a lot of people could no longer walk
or had limbs that were prehensile.

the after ball that was propheted so bad
had no permanent damage
except for the house to be had
so when you send your teen to a party oh so scary
just don't have it your house
teens will break stuff, be weary.

So this was my story of the afterball. SUES style!

catch you guys up. AT THE LEAST next saturday


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Well I've been slack with this blog, I haven't been here for ages and now I think it's time I get back into it. I am now making it my Saturday goal to get a blog post out, if I haven't done one throughout the week then expect one on a NZ Saturday. So where have I been? Well the same place I've always been doing something else, I guess amongst the work I've been doing when I get a moment of spare time I spend it doing something else. Sure not the best way to gain a committed viewer base but I'm not all too fussed about what people think. As long as they're coming. SO! where do we begin! Again...

So let's start off with my little commitment I'll tell you all a tale! In the next post :D
Don't worry I'm gunna do it now. C U THERE!

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