Thursday, June 17, 2010

Miley Cyrus' Vagina

Miley Cyrus's Vagina

Dear Miley Cyrus

It has come to my attention that the Internet has procured a photo of you showing your nether regions to the world. I find this distasteful and a slutty juxtaposition to the once good image you projected on our youth. What happened to the good ole days of Hannah Montana, who could be tamed. What would Billy Ray and his mullet think of you doing this dirty deed for the world to see. You have honestly slandered the good name of your memoir by showing such lack of dignity and shame. I am writing this just so you know that me as a viewer of your program on the off occasion and the listener to some of your music, will not be taking an interest unless you talk about vaginas. You have set a bar for us as the public and now I expect no less than pubic, this is not my opinion but the possible opinion now of people expecting you and your vagina flauntery. As a young girl I would expect you to wear sufficient under garments, what sort of situation could arise at your age that would cause you to forget these crucial clothing items. I must say this has been a lack of judgement on your behalf and now people will be expecting a lot more, so ma'am be expecting a lot more creepy attention from stalkers and paparazzi as you have now set and vaginal bar for the media world.

From Sam

P.S Don't show your vagina again...

Letter to Lindsay Lohan More vagina where that came from...


J.N.R Dutton said... [Reply to comment]

I am fairly sure you can be expecting to hear from Miley's lawyer soon enough. Or perhaps her dad? an obscenity lawsuit in the making.

Just so you know.

miniwriter said... [Reply to comment]

@J.N.R. Dutton

0.o lighten up?

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