Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sunday Morning, Bakings' Dawning

Sunday Morning no rain is failling. Clear skies and the NZ crickets are chirpn away.
Ok in my last post I said I was going out to get on the drink and that I did. Wasn't too intensive though. Me and my mate george sat around drinking beer watchn movies (yes sad... so very sad). Our party plans fell through so that's what we resorted to.

Anyways I bet your wondering why baking is dawning (like said title ^_^) Well on saturday morning george and I went to our mates place to do baking. (yes sad... so very sad) ok so we did baking cause lets be honest our mothers are useless and don't bake our own baked goods. So we baked a coconut slice, got bored and ended up playing killzone 2 all day (it's a womans job you can't expect us to do it for too long.

nom nom nom

We took a whole load of pics to make all our mates who didn't come baking jealous, they should be on facebook sooner or later and i'll throw a link up if anyone is actually desperate to see us in action. So we were baking and it ended up with about 10 of us "baking" and by baking i mean making our titled jew, (every group just have to have a jew) Jakob do all the work.

Now I'd just like to say if you think a whole lotta teenage boys baking is gay... All I have to say is where is your delicious coconut slice. Suckas!

As my plans for tonight, I've got none it's sunday night and I'm gunna be going to under water hockey training. (yes I know the joke sport)...

catchya all around

I just find this guy funny...

Weekend, time to hit the piss

People, people. I am in New Zealand and as of now I am finished school for the week. I am 16 and i'm ready to go hit the piss with my mates. As for people who don't know what the hell I'm talking about cause they aint from NZ and don't know what this means. It means I'm going out drinking with the boys.

For all you hippy old fullahs who think I shouldn't be doing at this age can get stuffed cause I know all you old stooges where back stocking up on homebrew back in your day. So peeps lighten up and read on. Anyways for the majority of the hillbilly NZ society Going out on the drink is a norm for people my age. So I'm actually less of a rebel and more of a conformist son of a bitch.

So far my day has consisted of a waterpolo game. Yes I strip down to speedos and show off my side pubes to everyone who doesn't want to see them and put on one of those funny caps... then wrestle with men in a pool... in speedos but thats beside the point. I play waterpolo, I'm not too good but hey we won this game and I didn't keep the bench warm like some of the other players did. I've been playing underwater hockey also for 3 years now... yes I know... it sounds like a silly sport but really it's one of the greatest sports i've ever played. Every other sport is all like get out of the pool and start running! Under water hockey is get out of the pool chill and have a beer. Yes it is a great sport and I can not emphasize enough the greatness of the euphoric slight high you get from oxygen deprivacy. No I kid but it is honestly a great sport.

If you wanna see our underwater hockey team go to this youtube link.
Avondale UWH Demorilisingly Uncouth...

Ok ok go watch this it's freaking epic. We had to send video into the organisers of our nationals tournament so we made a mockery of it. Now of course people won't get the private jokes like the hockey stick with the tic tacs... the yawning lizard is just in there for fun. NOW LOOK FOR ME OK!!! First freeze frame is my ass! I'm the one flying out of the pool!

See you peeps when I'm hungover!

Start To My POV

YO! People of the world. I am Sam, Sam I am. I have started a blog to pretty much rant about the things that happen to me. If you can't be screwed reading these sorts of things leave my page now! What am I talking about anyone reading a blog is only reading to see people rant about how much worse their lives are than theirs. I am not hear to cry to invisible friends who I don't know, I'm not here to tell everyone how much my life sux. I am here to tell everyone how kickass my life actually is and to show those emo douche bag whiny fools that blogging isn't all about crying to a computer screen. So anyway. Get your mental socks ready to be blown from your feat as this blog is going to freakn rock your world with it's awesomeness!!! There'll be everything you want in a blog PORN AND VIDEO GAMES!!!. No I kid this blog is safe for work in that sense of manner. But If your boss finds mind blowing awesomeness a NSFW sorta thing then you better be saving this page for home cause people this blog is gunna be way cooler than brad pitt in fight club. And we all know that he was the s**t

So this is me, Just a dude putting his thought on the line. Everything to come is my outlook on life, my point of view, my awesome life.

Stay watching cause this s**t is about to hit the fan.

Add me on Facebook. I don't know how to link myself so just search Sam Law and look for the picture below :)

Catch you round people. This has been Sams POV and this s**t is just beginning

Look for this ugly mug on facebook!!! Add me people!!!
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