Happy 101 Award!
It's come to my attention that I have been given my first award here at Sam's Point Of View (povofsam.blogspot.com). I'd like to thank the award giver. The great Andrei Sipos over at Scream Bloody Entertainment. So go over there and give that good man a view, some comments and general happiness. So the title of the "Happy Award 101" Is now mine! So to honour this award I have to post 10 things that make me happy and bring me joy. Here goes!
Numero Uno!
Writing for cash. Being able to see those few cents roll in is actually the most awesome feeling. Even if it is a little bit of money, being paid to do something you enjoy gives you a strong sense of moral awesomeness. I now have earned a boastable amount through my writing so I'm pretty stoked with how things are going.
Numero Deux! (I'm not sure which languages these are from, if any at all)
My guitar and trumpet. I play a lot of music, around the house and quite loudly with the latest addition of the trumpet (to my families horror) but I love playing music, jamming with my mates and any other array of music listening or playing.
Numero Tre!
Water sports. I love playing under water hockey sooooo much. I also play waterpolo but it's the off season and I don't enjoy it as much. I've recently been selected for the Auckland under 18 boys trials. So if all goes well it's only a few steps from there until I'm in the New Zealand team. Cross my fingers for good luck.
Numero Quattro!
Watching a good movie. I love being totally enthralled by a movie. In particular, the ones that leave your mind in a jumbled soup of awe. Fight Club, Reservoir Dogs, Inception, just to name a few of my latest faves (Fight Club from way back though ^_^).
Numero Cinq!
My friends. Always there with me in the worst situations to make it a little bit better by making it a whole lot worse. But I wouldn't have it any other way. One night whilst at my friend Dan's place with George and other various people things got a bit out of hand. Ended out with one guy getting violent, police and ambulance showing up and 3 girls cowering in a corner, I took a drunken hook from a body builder that night! It was really sore the next morning...
Numero Six... Sei!
Noodles! More specifically, easy and instantly made noodles, even more specifically Indomie Mi Goreng Fried Noodles. I'm a big fan of these noodles. The downside is they typically have 17g of fat in each packet, 1/3 of your daily sodium intake (pfft recommended, 2400mg is for panzies :D). But they have it down! From flavour to texture they (IMHO) have got the instant recipe for these noodles sorted.
Numero Sette!
Free stuff! I found an old post I wrote about free stuff in fact! Free Is My Favourite Word Me being a fine connoisseur of being insanely poor, (so poor I tried to make money on the internet. HA) I love it when I get free stuff. Just a few days ago I was driving home when a Mizone van was giving free Mizone to people in cars. Stoked right? It's a brand familiar in NZ, I'm not sure if the outta NZ dudes will know this one, but who knows.
Numero Huit!
Video games, I love just sitting around and relaxing while playing video games. You can get lost in a trance while playing them and it's so much fun just wasting your life away prowling around the many games. I personally am a BIG fan of the Bioshock series. Love Halo on Xbox. All sorts of multiplayer games, TF2, HON (If you've ever heard of it). I love a large array of games, so for video games to get on this list it wasn't very hard :D.
Numero Nove!
Christmas! Even if the gifts are lame, I just love getting into the whole spirit of it. Buying gifts, receiving gifts. The surprise on people's face when they open their gifts, the fake smiles on people's faces when they open a stink gift (hehe). I definitely am a fan of this holiday and it's definitely my fave up there with Halloween because it's a lame excuse to go out for a party.
Numero Dieci! DIX! (French and Italian numbers win!)
Finally on my list of things that brings me joy is chillaxing. Nothing better than to sit around a waste a day away eating bad food, sleeping in, having brinner (breakfast for dinner) you feel a lot better the next day knowing that the day you just had was a total write off in the grand scheme of things. I mostly do this after a big night out because I was up late and so so.
So that's my list of things that bring me joy. I'm now suppose to pass this onto 10 fellow bloggers who make me happy and bring me joy so they can to indulge in this award. I however don't follow too many blogs, but when I do it's the blogs I really enjoy reading and visit often so here goes my list!
5 Blogs I enjoy
Alright Tit
Lets Graph: Funny Graphs And Charts
One Photo A Day For A Year
Scream Bloody Entertainment
Avitable - Tact Is For Pussies
Haha, awesome list! I think I share most of these things as well! Oh man, that trumpet must really drive your parents crazy. :P
And yeah, video games truly are the way to a healthy and sane life, huh? I wish I had an Xbox so I wouldn't be only limited to PC games, which are getting more and more scarce. Oh well!
The cake is a spy! I love TF2, though I don't play it as often these days. I'll definitely try to get back into it asap. And what's this I'm hearing? You're playing Heroes of Newerth? No way!
Yea I wish I had an Xbox! A lot more multiplayer options over on the Xbox. And yes, a very avid fan of Heroes of Newerth, I play it probably too much. :D
That's awesome, dude! Let's exchange usernames and maybe we can play some matches together. Mine is Atroxion (yeah... I know).
fully! I share an account with my lil bro cuz we're too stingy too pay for two ^_^ mines sexypanda... He chose the name...
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